Self love affirmations to boost your confidence and happiness. Part 1

Looking to boost your self-love? Affirmations offer a simple yet powerful method to instill positive truths in your subconscious mind through repetition. By regularly repeating these affirmations, you can reshape your mindset.


Here are 50 affirmations to kickstart your journey toward self-love.


To make the most of them:

  1. Choose the affirmations that resonate with you the most.
  2. Stand in front of a mirror, gaze into your eyes (the windows to the soul), and say them aloud at least 10 times.
  3. Connect each affirmation with the emotions you want to feel (like love, empowerment, worthiness, strength, victory, etc.).
  4. Truly believe in the core truth of what you’re saying.

These steps can enhance the effectiveness of your self-love affirmations and contribute to a positive transformation in your mindset.”

Here are 50 affirmations:

  1. I love myself unconditionally.
  2. I choose to love myself as I am now.
  3. Everyday in every way I am getting better and better.
  4. I welcome self-love into my life now.
  5. I am free to be me.
  6. I am becoming the best version of myself.
  7. I deserve good things.
  8. Everything I need comes to me at the perfect time.
  9. I forgive myself and set myself free.
  10. I am divine.


11. I am a force of good.

12. I now release all of my fears and doubts.

13. I get highly paid for just being myself and loving myself.

14. Things are always working out for me.

15. I am enough and always will be enough just the way that I am.

16. I am loved, loving, and lovable.

17. I see my struggles only as opportunities to grow, learn and better my life.

18. I can do anything I set my mind to.

19. My presence is valuable.

20. I radiate positive energy everywhere I go.

21. I release all disease from my body and welcome health, love, and happiness into my life.

22. I am worthy. My worth is not determined by the opinions of others.

23. My imperfections make me unique and special.

24. I am comfortable in my own skin.

25. I choose to focus on what I can control and let go of what I cannot.

26. I am a magnet for love and positive energy.

27. I am grateful for my body that allows me to experience life.

28. My self-worth is not tied to my accomplishments.

29. I am deserving of success and happiness.

30. I trust in my ability to overcome challenges.


31. I am a work in progress, and that’s okay.

32. I am proud of my journey and all that I have overcome

33. I am at peace with my past, present, and future.

34. I forgive myself for past mistakes and learn from them.

35. I am proud of my accomplishments and celebrate my victories.

36. I release the need for approval from others.

37. I am a beautiful person inside and out.

38. I am a magnet for miracles

39. I trust the journey, even when I do not understand it.

40. I am amazing just the way I am.

41. I am worthy of happiness, success, and fulfillment

42. I am deserving of the dreams that are within me.

43. I am deserving of all the good things life has to offer.

44. I let go of comparison and embrace my own unique journey.

45. My heart is open, and I am grateful for the abundance of love within me

46. I am a source of love and inspiration for others

47. I am worthy of love and joy.

48. I am grateful for the lessons that challenges bring.

49. I am confident in my ability to create the life I desire

50. I am worthy of love and respect from others.

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