Self-love the path to enlightenment. Introducing Self-love heart!

It’s official Self-love heart is out. We are excited to share this journey with you! Haven’t heard what Self-love heart is about. Find it below!

What is Self-love heart?

Self-love heart is a 2023 project that aims to spread the message of self-love across the globe. It’s a platform to share ideas, tools, love and helpful information about self-love.

Who is behind Self-love heart?

Created by Karla Jimenez, self-love heart is fueled by her own self-love journey.  The project was conceived in 2022, in the midst of a strange time on earth, after a pandemic and meantime wars. It aims to help people to raise their vibration by loving themselves.

What motivated you to create Self-love heart?

Self-love may sound a bit selfish, but it can save your life. In 2020 I was on the floor praying to God, my life had gone south, my relationships had failed, I couldn’t get a job and I just ended a horrible relationship. I was telling God that I love him but that I didn’t feel love by him, so he or she answered and said to me in a calm, neutral voice, it was not my voice, nor the voice of a man or a woman. It was a voice that was not happy with what it was about to say, so God answered “Karla, how can you love me if you don’t love yourself” after that I freaked out and started crying. 

Since then my journey of self love began, I started googling on how to love myself, buying books and online courses on how to love myself, and most importantly I pray mostly every day on how to love myself.  So the purpose of this blog is to share my journey on self love, what I am learning in my own life and from others. To be honest it has not been an easy task but not an impossible one. I hope that if you read this maybe you are inspired to look inside and cherish the most eternal relationship you will ever have, the relationship with yourself.

Got another question about Self-love heart?

If you’ve got more questions or want to stay up to date with us, keep coming back here or drop us an email. We’ll do our best to answer anything you’d like to know. In the meantime, stay cool and love yourself!

Karla Jimenez x

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